Pauline van Alderwerelt Durabel Datacenters main topic of the ICT Table at the Koninklijke IGC ** Robert Lauer - initiator of the Flevum initiative -spoke about Durable Datacenters during the "Climate Week" of the Royal IGC (Industrieele Groote Club) ** Share [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] Amster... Durable Datacenters IJmond flevum green zone symbiotic Jun 22, 2022
Administrator Flevum started as a dream to turn Gray into Green **Durable Datacenters are part of the solution and are symbiotically with other industries and are strategic to our modern society** Share [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] The initiative came as a dream f... Durable Datacenters IJmond Think tank flevum green zone symbiotic Jun 21, 2022